Heather Tobias

I had the choice when leaving school of going to Art College or Drama School. I chose drama and that became my career. But Art has always been part of my life. I have always been drawn to 3D work and ceramics. Over the years I joined different classes. So when I became 60 I decided it was time for a change and did a foundation art course at Bucks New University where I went on to get a BA (Hons)degree in Fine Art.

I now have my own studio and am part of a collective of artists at Skylark Galleries at the Oxo Tower on the South Bank overlooking the Thames.

I take inspiration from the past. I then create characters who might appear historical in their reference but are in essence of our time. The mediums I choose give me the opportunity to explore their potential. This is why I choose to work with porcelain using oxides or inks on wetted paper. The results are unexpected and the magic of happenstance occurs.